Travelling alone – boring or freedom?

I just noticed that many people here in Taiwan seem to be really astonished the moment you tell them you’re travelling alone, all by yourself. May it be just occasional or if you arrive at a hotel, they often ask for the second person.

Only one?

No wife?

No children?

If i would have, this trip would be even cheaper, because if you’re alone, you always have got to pay for a double room. We’re still talking abuout 20-40€ for a night. So if you’re two, that’s half of it – incredible cheap. Almost Vietnam prices…

Back to topic.

For me this is the first time doing a trip like this all alone (and I’ve done quite a few), all trips in the last 10 years before I shared with my two girlfriends I had in that time. But somehow people’s reaction now astononishes me, because it seems to be an alien thing in the their eyes.

Sure, to be with someone who speaks the same language, who shares these small adventures with you, who serves as a second brain remembering all the things that happened – it’s nice…but, to be on your own definitely has advantages.

Before I left, a friend told me, that after the first time travelling alone you wouldn’t want anything else. I’m now understanding what he means.

The three instances

The main aspects: while doing those kind of trips you’ll run into minor problems and tasks to solve.

While travelling alone, the instances you’ve got to sort them out with are:

  1. Your mind
  2. Your body
  3. Your bike

This is way more easy to cope with, than with being with another person. I can only blame one of the above, noone else. Call it escapism – I think this leads towards getting to know yourself and your boundaries better.

Nevertheless, I’m writing this while visiting a country that is known for its extreme hospitality and kindness to foreigners. Of course travelling alone leaves you more often in situations, where you’re invited and get to know new people. I’m not sure how this will apply to other countries, but here travelling alone makes you actually more social.


I travel mainly to experience nature and see landscapes you wouldn’t normally come across. Cities are often of no interest to me. So how does this compare, being all by yourself or sharing the sight with someone else?

The answer will somehow be cold blooded: if you come to places which are beyond your imagination, it’s already too much for you to understand – it’s a cognitive overload. Being confronted to share this and to think of what the other person may think, shifts away the focus, away from zen. You’ll end up thinking more about sharing than to live the moment while it’s there, in front of your feet.


If you’re already familiar with a bit of bike touring, namely:

  • Planing routes
  • Measuring yourself on how far you’ll be able to go
  • Be creative on the route if weather is not as expected
  • Doing a bit of bike maintenance / service
  • Not afraid of trying out new stuff (food/accommodation)

You’re perfectly set.

Don’t be afraid, rewards will be more than efforts taken.


One final thing I noticed – without music on the bike this would truly be more boring. Music is what keeps me alive and pedalling. If I had to choose between travelling, alone without music and shared travelling with another person, I would definitely choose second.


Please notice that this is written by someone who has solely done cycling adventures with his partner in relationship. Speaking to friends it would be definitely exciting and worth giving a try, to tour with good friends and not only your girlfriend. This shouldn’t sound to frustrated and I’m still not sure about how to share the music, but if definitely worth to give it a go.

Yes, talking to you Tobi.

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