Day 25 – Down the hill to Taichung


Start: 11:15/ Arrival: 16:45
Distance: 71km / Gained height 300 hm

Started the descent down to Kaichung in the morning – allthough being 7-800hm going down, there are still some ramps, heat was high and we had headwinds…so wasn’t as easy as we thought😂

Nevertheless beautiful ride going down massive valleys, with a gigantic freeway in the distance.

Coming closer to Taichung, the constant stop and go traffic started again – this can be quite annoying, as you’re slowed down to 10km/h average.

Went directly to the station, to book train tickets to Keelung tomorrow, as we still want to ride the northern loop. Then booked a near hotel and went to the Taichung Cultural Heritage Park – an old Japanese brewery, which buildings have been left raw and now are used for several cultural activities.

After checking out the Zhongxiao Road Night Market and having nice stinky tofu, we went back to chill at the park. Some elderly lady approached us, and we had quite a fun conversation with her via the translator.

After almost getting locked in the park went for a last oden from the night market and back to the hotel, as we had to get up earlier tomorrow.

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