Day 25 – Down the hill to Taichung

2023-11-07 Start: 11:15/ Arrival: 16:45 Distance: 71km / Gained height 300 hm Started the descent down to Kaichung in the morning – allthough being 7-800hm going down, there are still some ramps, heat was high and we had headwinds…so wasn’t as easy as we thought😂 Nevertheless beautiful ride going down massive valleys, with a gigantic freeway in the distance. Coming


Day 24 – Around Sun Moon Lake

2023-11-06 Start: 12:30 / Arrival: 17:00 Distance: 30km / Gained height 400 hm Day started of with a little bit of logistics, planing the route, washing clothes and having tea egg rolls as breakfast. Took it easily, as we just had to go around the lake. This time we took the clockwise round, starting of with the Wenwu Temple. Again


Day 23 – Climb up to Sun Moon Lake

2023-11-05 Start: 12:15 / Arrival: 17:15 Distance: 42 km / Gained height 780 hm A day of climbing in the heat – after some Taiwanese breakfast we went up to Sun Moon Lake. It’s just 40km, but the relevant part up to ~800hm happens in the last 10km. So we had some relaxed climbing (allthough in 30 degrees in the heat)


Day 22 – Heyhey, here are the monkeys

2023-11-04 Start: 15:30 / Arrival: 18:15 Distance: 20km / Gained height 180 hm Had quick breakfast from the convenience store and brought my bought records to the 7-11 to mail them to my friend Kuan-You in Taipei, as I don’t want to carry them in the heat on the bicycle 😉 Postal service in the convenience stores is a super


Day 21 – Exploring Tainan

2023-11-03 Distance: approx 20km, from record store to record store As I knew, that the day would be spent long time in record shops, we went each one alone to explore the city. I went to the shop I knew from last time and took quite a deep research on each record it had. Took me about 2 hours to


Day 19 – Crate digging in Kaohsiung

2023-11-01 Slept again again a little bit longer and went for a walk through Kaohsiung today – goals: two record shops. First one was an old one. Google said, the owner could be a little bit special. From outside it looked fabulous, I entered shy. The owner showed me the categories and it seemed, it puzzled him, that I went


Day 18 – A daytrip to Buddha

2023-10-31 Start: 10:45 Distance: 45km / Gained height 280hm Half a rest day today, but actually that’s not really true. Slept a bit longer, had quick breakfast at the convenience store around the corner and packed the bicycles lightly for a daytrip. Rode to Fo Guang Shan park, first bit was interesting. Due to the lights being optimised for scooter


Day 17 – Leaving Kenting and endless fish farms

2023-10-30 Start: 11:00 / Arrival: 17:00 Distance: 80km / Gained height 310 hm Left Kenting after some very again nice breakfast from the restaurant we had choosen yesterday. Riding along the west coast is completely different, initially we still had some longer harmless ramps, but then it got flat with tailwinds. First riding along the crowded #26, we took some
